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Healthy foods to eat everyday

Healthy foods

Healthy foods to eat everyday

If your health is well then your mind will be fresh. You will get a lot of energy and effort to work if you have a good and healthy body. To stay healthy we must need to consume healthy foods.

Healthy food helps us simultaneously gain energy in the body and keep our body safe from various illnesses by boosting our immune system. That's why we must need to choose the correct food for a healthy life. Food habit around the world is not the same and also food availability is not the same. People from different parts of the world consume different types of foods. But, we need to choose the correct type of food that we have around us. 

An example of a list of healthy foods is the food that contains every kind of necessary nutrient for daily life. 

A large number of foods are either healthy or tasty. Here I am sharing some healthy foods. So, you can take a look.


The experts suggest that a daily minimum of 5% of fruit needs to consume by a person. It can be in any form fresh, dry, frozen, or canned. Fruits are basically sweet and highly nutritious, it`s very easy to eat at any time. Can be added to any meal or can be eaten as a snack. There are many kinds of fruit to consume but some are high in vitamins and nutrients, and also can keep you safe from disease. Such as Apple, Banana, Oranges, Mango, Pineapple, Strawberry, Blueberry, Avocado, etc.


Vegetables are one of the most nutritious food on the planet. You should not miss vegetables from your meal. Various colorful vegetables contain a huge amount of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. So, vegetables could be compulsory in your healthy diet. Every vegetable contains lots of nutrition here I am mentioning some of the highly nutritious vegetables, such as Carrot, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Green leafy vegetables, etc.


In a healthy diet, you need to have some starchy carbohydrate food. Such as Rice, Potato, Bread, Pasta/Noodles, and all kind of legumes. They are very essential for your healthy diet. But be careful about choosing them, you must have to choose Brown rice when you would like to eat rice. 

Fatty Fish

Various kinds of fatty fish are a vast source of protein, vitamins, and minerals, as well as they, are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids help to increase good cholesterol and prevent heart disease. Some highly recommended fish is Hilsha fish, Salmon fish, Sardin fish, etc.


Meat is a rich source of protein, vitamin B12, zinc, iodine, selenium, phosphorus, and a lot of essential elements which highly need your healthy body. But all types of meat are not totally safe, the red meat is high in bad cholesterol. So, better if you can lower consuming red meat, and inside of it, you can eat a large number of Chicken, Turkey, Rabbit, etc.


Eggs are highly nutritious food. Egg white contains lots of protein and egg yolk contains good fate, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, etc. So, in a healthy diet, you can easily add eggs. Eggs play a vital role to lose weight and gain muscles. 


In every diet, oil plays a vital role. It is not possible to avoid oil so, we need to choose good oil. Such as Olive oil, Avocado oil, and cold press mustard oil. 

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